
Sanders Ranch

Status: Sold
Acres: 52 +/-
Type: Hunting Land, Ranches, Recreational Land
Address: Sanders Rd
City, State: Joy, Texas
County: Clay
ZIP Code: 76365
Lat/Long: 33.5998, -98.286
Contact: Stephen Turner


Sanders Ranch - 52 Acres Clay County

The Sanders Ranch is located in southern Clay County in the Deer Creek Joy Area. It accessed from FM 1883 also known as Deer Creek Hwy which is asphalt paved,  then south on Wilson Rd to Sanders Rd, both being gravel.

The land is primarily wooded with mesquite and has level to sloping terrain. Along the road frontage is the highest elevated point then the land generally slopes to the north. Surface water consist of a 1 acre pond at the northwest corner. Electricity is available and well water is known to be in the area.

There are oil tank batteries at the southeast corner of the property. There is an old oil well on the property, which should be plugged in the near future. The seller does not own any minerals.

Asking $2,650/Acre, or $137,800 (reduced from $153,400)

Contact Stephen Turner, Listing Agent - 940-636-7039

Interactive Map


Stephen Turner


Phone: (940) 636-7039

Contact Agent

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